Création d'un logo de A à Z comprenant :
• 3 propositions de logo.
• 3 retouches mineures (couleurs, taille d'un élément, etc).
• Export du logo final en format jpeg et png haute résolution.
Création d'une carte de visite.
Format de la carte selon votre instruction.
Offre comprenant : trois retouches mineures.
De 50€ à 160€.
Création d'une affiche au format au choix : A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5.
De 30 à 200€.
Podcast audio & vidéo sur des sujets de Pop Culture.
Elkem is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced material solutions shaping a better and more sustainable future. The company develops silicones, silicon products and carbon solutions by combining natural raw materials, renewable energy and human ingenuity.
Integration in the newly created pole "Branding Excellence Center".
Participation in print creation (layout, posters, etc), photo/video shoots and motion design projects to illustrate the highly technical work of the company.
Setting up creative processes to organise and coordinate work between divisions.
Works at the headquarters in French but also remotely with clients in the Netherlands and Norway in English.
Périple is a project running by a freelancer specialized in branding and print with a large network of professionals to answer all your requests.
I'm willing to work with people and companies from all kinds of backgrounds due to my strong worldwide oriented culture and interest.
The World is large so why stay small?
This project is still in its very early stages but I plan to develop it as long as it takes.
"Les Nocturnes" est un collectif à but non lucratif regroupant 6 graphistes et un chargé de communication.
Notre mission : venir en aide aux associations en comblant leurs besoins en matière de communication.
BAC +3
Formation reconnu par l'Etat français.
Acquisition d'une palette de compétences variées :
• Infographie
• Motion design
• Photographie
• Webdesign
Mais encore : UI/UX, SEO/SEA, management de groupe, etc...
Ancien membre du BDE, poste de trésorier.
Ancien membre du projet GEOPAD travaillant dans le pôle "design" et "communication".